Our Haunted House

Mpepper/ February 8, 2024/ Writing

The house we moved into after our first child was born was haunted. We didn’t know it when we bought it, but it became clear not long after. It was a split-level ranch, which on its own probably should have alerted us. When you walked through the front door, one flight of steps to the right went up and another

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Grammar Hang-ups

Mpepper/ January 24, 2024/ Writing, Writing Advice

I have been informed by my teens that proper punctuation in texts is seen as passive-aggressive. Sadly, I simply cannot stop myself from typing full words and using punctuation (unless I’m trying to be funny). So, while I acknowledge my feels on these may be old-fashioned, and understand that the point of any communication is to get one’s meaning across,

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The Tropification of Book Marketing

Mpepper/ January 15, 2024/ Think Pieces

A year or so ago, I was encourage to make an “arrow chart” of each of my books. If you’re an author or reader, you know what this is: an image (often animatic) showing the book with a bunch of arrows describing the tropes in the story. I suck at this kind of thing, but I tried. (The animatic one

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Discoverability: The Key to Success

Mpepper/ January 5, 2024/ Writing Advice

Someone posted a question on Twitter (X) earlier that caught my eye: What do you think of publishers that don’t offer distribution to bookstores? My immediate gut reaction was, “Nope.” Now, to be fair, my husband will tell you “nope” is my default setting. So I paused to read a few responses. Many requested clarification in that there is a

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2024 Reading Bingo

Mpepper/ December 26, 2023/ Uncategorized

As per my YouTube video, here is next year’s Reading Bingo card.

2023 v 2022 (Amazon Numbers)

Mpepper/ December 25, 2023/ Uncategorized

Though there is still about a week left in the year, I feel it’s relatively safe to summarize my Amazon dashboard for the year and compare it to last year. If I happen to get more sales/downloads and/or page reads in the next few days, I’ll gladly update this info. But I’m not optimistic that much will change. Note that

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Thinking Back on 2023 (Writing)

Mpepper/ December 13, 2023/ Think Pieces, Writing

We have once again arrived at the time of year where we reflect, usually in the form of lists. Best of, worst of, etc. I’m doing all that on my YouTube channel with the books I read this year, so be sure to check it out. But over here I’m going to look at 2023 in terms of my writing.

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Mpepper/ November 30, 2023/ Uncategorized

I was filling out a form that asked about diversity, and… It felt like the form was asking me to out myself in some way(s). Which isn’t cool. I live a really heteronormative life on the outside, and I don’t think I should be required to talk about private things in order to tick a box. I write diverse books…

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Meet Amaurodios

Mpepper/ November 2, 2023/ Announcements

The central character of my current (which is also very old) WIP! Amaurodios voluntarily leaves the heavenly realm of Argyros in order to follow Seladion. Alas, Am turns out to be not terribly well equipped to exist in the world… He is the Aziraphale to Sel’s Crowley, the Louis to Sel’s Lestat. Am has a kind, if naive, heart, and

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Gatekeeping Criticism

Mpepper/ October 27, 2023/ Think Pieces

Not all opinions are made equal. Everyone is entitled to one, of course, and now that pretty much everyone in the world has a public platform via social media, everyone is able to broadcast their opinions to the populace. In many ways, this is a good thing. Hearing various points of view, getting different “readings” on a text (as we

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