Smells Like…

Mpepper/ January 23, 2025/ Uncategorized/ 0 comments

Given the shit state of the world, I’ve opted for lighter subject matter in this week’s post. See, everywhere I go, I’m told by random strangers that I smell good? Not in a creepy way, mind. In a genuinely kind and enthusiastic way, like the woman in a store who, as I passed, tapped me and said, “I don’t know

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No More Meta

Mpepper/ January 16, 2025/ Announcements/ 0 comments

Last year, I left Twitter (X). It was a tough decision; I had spent 15 years building and curating a network of fellow writers, readers, film enthusiasts, and the like. I stuck it out as long as I could—longer, really, than I should have. Sure, my little corner of that hell site had remained mostly clean and comfortable, but I

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Christians v Education (and why they’re wrong)

Mpepper/ January 9, 2025/ Think Pieces

My goal this year is to post at least once per week. Alas, I don’t always have that much to say. Bad news for a writer, perhaps. But I do have a thought that’s been bouncing around in my head for a while now, and I meant to make a YouTube video about it, but I haven’t (yet—I might still).

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It Goes Both Ways

Mpepper/ January 3, 2025/ Uncategorized

Time for yet another unpopular opinion. See, I really do want to support small, independent bookstores. I’d like to believe we’re in this together, so to speak. But that’s an idealistic, unrealistic view. Because, as with so many things in this f***ed up world, it actually comes down to money. I live in an area that has an indie bookstore

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End-of-Year Sale

Mpepper/ December 29, 2024/ Announcements

Now through January 1, you can grab the ebook versions of The Switchgrass Crown and The Ghosts of Marshley Park for 50% off on Smashwords! Click here for TSC. Click here for GoMP.

Goals for 2025

Mpepper/ December 26, 2024/ Uncategorized

I’m not one for resolutions, but I do like to set goals. Quantifiable is better; otherwise, how do you really know if you’ve achieved it? But I also reserve the right to shift, move, and/or change my goals as I go. I think flexibility is key. Reading In 2024, I set a goal of 42 books and managed to read

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Year in Review

Mpepper/ December 24, 2024/ Flashbacks, Writing

Sure, there’s another week left in 2024, but I can’t imagine what could happen to change my feelings about the year in general. It was a bad one for me. I barely wrote and didn’t publish anything. I was asked to run for the local school board then backstabbed by the people who encouraged me to get involved in the

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When You Can’t Forget

Mpepper/ December 11, 2024/ Flashbacks

I’ve seen a Jack Prelutsky poem circulating on Bluesky, and… I want to like it. I want to like his work. I used to like it—love it, even—but as the saying goes, “Don’t meet your heroes.” I grew up… not poor, exactly, but we didn’t have excess for anything unnecessary. When Prelutsky’s book The New Kid on the Block came

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Ignorance Is Not Bliss: The Sleeping Beauty* Metaphor

Mpepper/ October 25, 2024/ Think Pieces

*Using Disney’s animated feature for reference here. About a month ago, I posted this YouTube video about why diversity in media is not only a good thing, it’s not really a threat to the status quo. Due to my run for school board, I was thinking mostly about the attempts to ban books, but it applies to all the dude

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RIP Lynda Obst

Mpepper/ October 23, 2024/ Flashbacks

Two days ago, I posted a book review of Matthew McConaughey’s Greenlights on my YouTube channel. Reading the book (and reviewing it) necessarily made me think about my time on film sets, which of course made me think of interning for Lynda Obst. The very next day—yesterday—I saw the headline that Lynda had passed away. She was young; the same

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