An Allegory

Mpepper/ February 5, 2025/ Think Pieces

There are many people living in a large house. Outside the house, a pack of rabid wolves circles. They want in. Most of the people in the house know better than to let the wolves in. They in fact work to secure doors and windows against the threat of the wolves. However, for some bizarre reason, some of the people

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Christians v Education (and why they’re wrong)

Mpepper/ January 9, 2025/ Think Pieces

My goal this year is to post at least once per week. Alas, I don’t always have that much to say. Bad news for a writer, perhaps. But I do have a thought that’s been bouncing around in my head for a while now, and I meant to make a YouTube video about it, but I haven’t (yet—I might still).

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