Smells Like…

Mpepper/ January 23, 2025/ Uncategorized

Given the shit state of the world, I’ve opted for lighter subject matter in this week’s post. See, everywhere I go, I’m told by random strangers that I smell good? Not in a creepy way, mind. In a genuinely kind and enthusiastic way, like the woman in a store who, as I passed, tapped me and said, “I don’t know what you’re wearing, but you smell amazing.” And I should probably have told her what I was wearing, but I was so startled, I just laughed it off with, “Thank you!”

Disclaimer: I have not been compensated by any entity for this post. It’s all just fact.

My best guess is that most people are responding to my perfume, which is Juliette Has A Gun by Not A Perfume. (Yeah, the company’s name is confusing, cuz it is an eau de parfum, but whatever.) I spray a little on my hairbrush and then brush my hair because hair is super absorbent and the scent will last all day.

In addition, though, I often have a number of other scents on or near my person. Namely:

  • In the Stars body lotion from Bath & Body Works
  • Book Loft hand soap from Bath & Body Works
  • Dragon’s Blood incense

I use various incense companies—Satya, Hem, Trumiri (though Trumiri’s Dragon’s Blood isn’t my favorite, but I do love their Palo Santo)—and I burn the incense in my home office while I’m working, and then my clothes smell like it. Once, my dental staff asked about what scent I was wearing, and when I told them it was just the incense I’d been burning (I don’t put on perfume if I know I’ll be in close proximity to others because so many people have sensitivities), they said, “I hope the scent lingers after you leave, it smells so nice!”

Sometimes I treat myself to Dragon’s Blood body balm from Seventh Sojourn, too. But that’s an after-shower thing, not something I put on in the morning, so I doubt that is contributing to all the compliments. However, my family all says it smells good when I use it.

So there is my list of scents, of which I usually smell like at least one, if not a combination of two or more. If you have a favorite perfume, lotion, incense, etc., let me know! I do have a very specific hang-up when it comes to scents: I hate anything that smells like food. No vanilla for me! Or anything too “candy” scented. I typically look for florals or woodsy scents (amber, sandalwood, and the like). Anyone else have such a specific aversion? Tell me about it in the comments!

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